17/ 5001 Bunker

Führungsbunker NVR (Perle)






Führungsbunker NVR (Perle)

The so-called 'Honecker Bunker' is pictured near Prenden and some 50 kilometres north of the German capital Berlin, August 1, 2008. The bunker officially called 'Objekt 17/5001', finished in the year 1983, has around 400 rooms at 6500 square metres unfortenaly we where not to photgraph with a tripot what you can see in the resold, sorry for that

The Bunker complex 5000 in Prenden municipality Wandlitz consists of the following building elements:
two command bunkers Führungsbunker National Defense Council (17/5001)
 and Führungsbunker Ministry for State Security (17/5005), four communication bunkers
(17/5002, 17/5011, 17/5020, 17/5021 and 17/5020) and a heliport (17/5020).
The complex was built on behalf of the National Defense Council (NVR)
of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and had to provide protection for drivers in times of crisis and  War
in case of war
so communication with soldiers and the Warsaw Pact forces was guaranteed.




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