Stargard Kluczewo



30 Su-27 Flankers of the 159th Interceptor Wing   Stargard Kluczewo is now fallen into ruin  2008

Seen Here the Impresive AU-19 Chelter special built for the Su-27 genaration                18,6 meters by 29.meters

AU-16-3 Shelters


Grantit 2 for Nuclear Armerment

Stargard Kluczewo command  Bunker`s



Stargard Kluczewo Airfield 
is a fomer Soviet airbase located in Kluczewo, a suburb of Stargard Szczecinski in Poland. Its concrete runway measures 2500 x 60 m.
The base was originally built by the Luftwaffe in 1935 and used as Fliegerhorst Klützow until early 1945 when it was overrun by the Red Army. Soviet air units were based there from 1948 to 1992. Over the years the base was expanded, and a number of hardened aircraft shelters built. A small military town housing the airmen and their families was built nearby. The last unit stationed there was the 159th 'Novorossiysk' Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment flying Su-27 Flankers. After the Soviet forces left, the base was abandoned, and has fallen into ruin. In 1993 the airfield together with Kluczewo was included within the city limits of Stargard Szczecinski.







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